What camera do you use?
Do you love it?
Though I'm not big into brand loyalty, I love my Canon ELPH 300 hs. It's so light and portable, I can carry it with me everywhere I go so I'm ready anytime something video worthy happens - which can happen anywhere and anytime. Many of the best videos I've seen (and videos I've made) are spontaneous and stumble-upon kind of situations. All the HD videos I post on my Youtube account are recorded with this magnificent little camera.
This camera was with me on my recent travels through Southeast Asia. I recorded lots of travel vlogs with it, and I was satisfied with the quality of the videos. However, looking through my pictures, without perfect lighting some photos aren't as clear and as crisp as I want them to be. I've started printing out photos to display as travel memories, but I can only print photos from this camera to about 8" × 12" (about the same as an A4 paper) before losing significant quality.
Photos help us remember places and people, and we should be able to preserve our memories in the best and clearest way we can. For this reason, I would love to hear some recommendations for a new and better camera from you, my readers. I still want something light and I'd prefer a camera that is not as conspicuous as a DSLR. I appreciate your help! Happy snapping!
My first and actual camera is a Nikon Coolpix S203. It's very simple, with some great features, good quality for photos and not that much for video. The greatest point of mine is the same you've said: I can carry it everywhere, taking photos of day-to-day interesting things.
ReplyDeleteSince it's just my first camera I could afford, I'll just sit here and wait for nice recommendations by the other readers around. Or I could directly choose that biiiig Samsung! hahaha
Hi, I have seen your videoes since last Oct. There are a lot of videoes on youtube about Korea made by foreigners and I watched a lot of them because I am living out side of Korea so I wanted to know what foreigners think and feel about my country. You might wonder the same thing such as what Korean poeple think about Canada because you are Canadian and you are out side of Canada. So I found a lot of blogs and videoeson internet. Some of them are really practical and good and some of them are...you konw. I feel that your videos are really honest based on your feeling. I mean that you are really objective. As you mentioned, some things are you don't understand and somethings are you like them. However, when you mention that I don't feel your judgement. I feel you accept that culture difference and you tried to said that objectively. I like that your observation and I admit that. Somthing is not good in Korea to me even though I am a Krean. That must be changed such as racism...OMG I became too serious. I just wanted to say hello because I am living in Waterloo!!!, your hometown. I watched your video that you introduce you introduce your hometown. It was uptown Waterloo. It was really happy to see my town(now, my town. I have lived here for 4 years.) Haha...I hope that I can see your videoes about your Korean life continuousely. I mean not your personal life. Your information and your feeling of Korea. Good luck in Korea.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
P.S) I would like to suggest to learn Korean history. I know it could be boring but it really helps you to understand Korean and their culture. Actually, I am an old immigrant to Canada and my first study was Canadian history to understand Canada and people. It was really helpful to me.
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ReplyDeleteHi Kerri,
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on starting your blog. I've watched your videos on Youtube, and I think your insights are unique and worth pondering.
To cut to the chase, I recommend you take a serious look at Olympus XZ-1. I bought this camera because of all the reasons you've mentioned. I too love taking snapshots of people, and a DSLR is just too intimidating to most, and it's pain in the butt to carry around.
The XZ-1 has the largest sensor in its class, so the image quality is superb compared to other point & shooters. It also has the brightest lens (1.8F: lower the better), so it performs extremely well under low-light situation (indoors, late evening). The lens is wide-angle (28mm), and shooting beautiful landscape photos is very enjoyable. Lastly, there are a number of usable built-in artistic filters that add interesting character to the images without having to use Photoshop. You should take a look at my photo album below.
All in all, it's a solid P&S camera with features that are available in entry level DSLR's. I paid CAD$450 last October, and you can buy one for 380,000 won which is a very good price. You might be able to expect further price drop as the summer approaches (just my guess).
The only drawback is the poor video recording performance. So don't expect to use it. I have a high-end Sony camcorder (XR550) I picked up at BestBuy on clearance last month for just over $550. It still retails for over $1600 on Amazon, and 1.8M won in Korea which is mind-boggling. If you need any info on camcorders, let me know. I consider myself an astute bargain hunter. :)
By the way, I was born in Busan, and I've lived in Calgary since I was 16. I hope your life in Korea is as enjoyable as it has been for me in Calgary.
A comprehensive review on XZ-1
My photo albums using XZ-1 (mostly)
Price comparison site for XZ-1
I'm pretttttty sure I'm getting the new Canon PowerShot G1 X for my birthday; as you know I have the G12 at the moment and I do love it but it has been malfunctioning. I can't wait to see the kinds of photos and videos we take in Central and South America!!!!