Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Travel in Photos - Uyuni, Bolivia

As travellers, we dream about finding landscapes that take us so far away from earth, we can't believe they are real. We want to feel the surprise of stepping out of a truck, being thrown back by the wind in our face, and amazed by the sheer size of the world around us. Nowhere in my travels, not even in Macchu Piccu, did I feel the vastness of space that I felt in Uyuni, Bolivia.

Even now as I look at the photos, I can't believe my eyes.

Please see Impossible Possibles in Uyuni more of my pictures from this amazing place.

 All photos copyright Expatkerri. Do not copy or share without permission.


  1. Replies
    1. thanks mark!! it was the most outer-worldly place i've ever seen.

  2. Aaah! Awesome! I got to visit the salt flats in Northern Argentina, but Bolivia's look even more impressive. The scenery is seriously stunning!

    1. i loved travelling in bolivia, but i never made it to northen argentina. the furthest north i went was mendoza!

  3. Easily one of the most magical and beautiful places in the world!!!!

  4. The colours are gorgeous! It's a really good selection of photo's, they are equally stunning ^-^

  5. Those probably were the best photos of the entire blog! :D

  6. When I see these photos, I still can't believe it wasn't all a dream...

  7. Wow, those photos really are breathtaking. What an amazing place!

  8. wow! wow! wow! Stunning photos! It's so beautiful :)

  9. These pictures are really beautiful! :)

  10. The photos are great! I wanted to go to Salar de Uyuni so much... but, have decided to go for Easter Island this year.... May be next year then.


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